9 Point Magnum - Igła bezpieczeństwa


  • Flat Tip Needle
  • Średnica: 0,30 mm
  • Recommended for: full lips, areola and scars
  • Sprzedawane w pudełkach po 10 sztuk

Note: These needles are available for iQ & SMART devices.

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SKU: 11209S Categories: ,


9 Point Magnum – PMU Needle

The 9 Point Magnum – Safety Needle are flat form comprising 9 needles in 2 rows. Ideal for subtle coloring in of large areas. The needle is suitable for the circling and shading technique.

Igły bezpieczeństwa

The patented Safety Needles modules prevents cross-contamination. The module is completely covered with an internal diaphragms which prevent fluid and airborne from entering the handpiece. The safety system of these needles is amazing. Untill the handpiece is connected and the device is turned on, the needle stays inside the tip.

Bezpieczna rękojeść

The safety needles fit on the standard safety handpiece. Worldwide this is the first permanent make up “rotary/penâ€ machine that guarantees no chance of cross contamination.

  • Opatentowany
  • Zaprojektowany, aby zmienić głębokość pigmentacji
  • Wykonane z odlewanego aluminium
  • Ekstremalne światło
  • Bezpieczny wkład igłowy

System bezpieczeństwa inny niż wszystkie dostępne na rynku.

Dodatkowe informacje




Dermapigmentation, Lips


0,30 mm




Circling, Scoop, Shading

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